risk averse

美 [ˈrɪsk əvɜːrs]英 [ˈrɪsk əvɜːs]
  • 网络风险规避;风险厌恶;厌恶风险;风险回避;不愿承担风险
risk averserisk averse
  1. For risk averse bidders , bidding price is decreasing with increase of risk aversion coeffcient and variance of the asset valuation .


  2. The type of individual he tried to create , careful , self-interested , risk averse , this has become ? the dominant ethos of our civilization , has it not ?


  3. Yet , she noted , many young people are especially risk averse at school — afraid that one low test score or mediocre grade could cost them a spot at a selective university .


  4. Research on Inventory Decision Model of Risk Averse Wholesalers under Fuzzy Demand Information


  5. They are so influenced by fear that they become risk averse .


  6. If youre looking for new ideas , being risk averse will not help .


  7. Banks ' profits are effectively guaranteed by government policy , making them extremely risk averse .


  8. Equilibrium Behavior and Optimal Contract of Both-Sides Moral Hazard with Risk Averse


  9. We agreed we were lacking in imagination and generally risk averse .


  10. In the model , firm owners and workers are risk averse and workers more so .


  11. This is the ultimate insult . It makes them risk averse .


  12. Rawls argues that risk averse individuals will choose an egalitarian economic order .


  13. Then , if the manager is risk averse , the paper studies the role of the two fee structures .


  14. When it comes to stocks , the foundation appears to have become more risk averse in recent years .


  15. Horrible bosses are so risk averse that they require mountains of information before making any important decision .


  16. In the absence of clear political leadership , negotiators have an incentive to be risk averse .


  17. Because of the recession , people have tighter budgets , they are more risk averse .


  18. The local government , which is risk averse , tends to favor the introduction of backward production capacity instead of good enterprises .


  19. A FTSE 100 chief executive says : I think businesses are being too risk averse , particularly around exports .


  20. In order to better simulate and explain the reality , we assumed that manufacturers and retailers are both risk averse .


  21. The credit decision mechanism against moral hazard in a competitive market with imperfect information when entrepreneurs are risk averse is studied in this paper .


  22. But none is a silver bullet , least of all when eurozone woes are making US banks even more risk averse .


  23. But I think that the regulatory environments have become somewhat risk averse , if you will , in trying to find out everything .


  24. A recent McKinsey & Co survey in China found that respondents in 2011 were more risk averse than those surveyed in 2007 .


  25. The behavior of a risk averse competitive exporting firm which is exposed to revenue risk due to a randomly fluctuating exchange rate is studied .


  26. Fierce competition makes producers more risk averse , which makes echoing the successful ' The Voice of China ' a safe bet . '


  27. Change of the Interest Rate of Loan When Commercial Banks Become More Risk Averse Third , there 's no relation between credit costs and the properties of ownership .


  28. For a supply chain with a risk averse supplier and a risk averse retailer , the optimal channel prices are studied under non-competition environment .


  29. It would be easy to let such risks make their decision-making too risk averse , particularly when they see the headlines that anti-trust probes in China generate .


  30. At last , the numerical simulation illustrates the risk averse supplier chooses to adding direct channel only if both the expected utility and the expected profit increases .
